Over 70% of Americans are overweight or obese. These statistics are staggering, to say the least. It’s no surprise, then, that most of us are looking for ways to lose weight and tone up fast! Being overweight or obese increases our risk of multiple diseases and health complications. For example, obesity is a leading cause […]
Boot Camp Fitness
10 Incredible Mental and Physical Benefits of Bootcamp Workouts
The most common New Year’s Resolution? Lost weight and get in shape! But only 8% of people actually stick with it. Granted, we’re well into February now and a little past resolution season, but if you’ve found that your commitment to your resolution is flagging I’ve got news for you… There’s a way to fix […]
How Boot Camp Exercises Will Kick Your Body into Shape
What’s your New Year’s resolution? Is it to eat healthier, read more, or travel the world? According to a survey, the most common New Year’s resolution is to get fit and healthy. But only eight percent of people actually reach their goal. Why do they fail? The reason is simple. They pick the wrong workout […]
How to Relieve Sore Muscles After Bootcamp
Your first day of boot camp fitness was great, but the morning after… not so much. It’s hard to get into a rhythm with your workout routine if you wake up stiff, sore, and unable to get out of bed the next day. While you might not be able to avoid getting sore, there are […]
Why a Boot Camp Fitness Class is Great for You
Are you not getting the results you’re looking for out of your regular workout routine? It may be time to take things to the next level with a boot camp workout. Many Americans have changed the way they exercise in recent years. Cross training and high-intensity workouts have grown in popularity. Boot camp fitness incorporates […]
7 Ways to Increase Stamina So You Can Enjoy Boot Camp Fitness
Boot camp fitness classes are all the rage these days. But, they’re not exactly easy to get through, especially if you’re new to exercising. If you want to have an easier time getting through your classes, one of the first things you need to do is find ways to increase stamina and endurance. These seven […]