We have reopened and moved to a new location: 2537 South Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92707 And we have more then ever before! More real training + more coaches = Better YOU Check out https://ocmuaythai.com/ It’s GO TIME
Why Everyone Should Have Some Self Defense Training
When most people think of self defense training, they think about reacting to an attack. But that’s not all it’s good for. It can actually stop an attack before it even takes place. In one study, participants who had taken a 30-hour self-defense course experienced a much lower frequency of unwanted contact. This means they actually weren’t […]
Filipino Martial Arts Seminar – Direct from the Philippines
Join us for a fun filled day of Filipino Martial Arts…Direct from the Philippines. We are honored to have Master Bong flying in from the Philippines to come and instruct you on the art of AK. We are having the seminar at OC Muay Thai on Saturday May 20th from 9am-5pm. Abenir Kalis Blade Fighting System […]
How Muay Thai Teaches Focus
Eastern philosophy and activities have become popularized in Western culture as an outlet to build focus and reduce stress. Enter: Muay Thai Muay Thai teaches focus, striking, and a complete combat ability. It’s a form of kickboxing which uses all parts of the body to become a weapon. The training teaches an individual to use […]
Why is Muay Thai the Martial Art of the 8 Weapons
When you think of martial arts, perhaps Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee come to mind. But Muay Thai is a noble martial art and is also a great way to exercise and build focus. It is also known as the martial art of the 8 weapons. 8 weapons! That seems like a dangerous form of […]
4 things you didn’t know that can make you a better Muay Thai fighter
Here are the 4 things you didn’t know that can make you a better Muay Thai fighter! In the U.S. Muay Thai community, there seems to be an assumption that somehow, by watching live fights or video footage, everyone already understands the protocols and what is really expected inside the ropes. This however, is a […]