If you want to train for self-defense, burn a lot of calories fast, build self-confidence or fight in a ring, Muay Thai is the perfect sport to meet all your goals.
Let’s assume you are not new to Muay Thai boxing.
You have tried everything you can, but still need to improve your Muay Thai performance. Read on to learn the essential workout supplements that along with nutrition, training and rest will get you the desired results.
Thailand, The Home Of Muay Thai
In case you didn’t know, Thailand was the birthplace of Muay Thai. In the ancient days of Thailand, Muay Thai was a tool used to stabilize the nation and maintain the throne of the King. Weapons were not allowed in the Royal Palace.
To guarantee the safety of the Thai King, Muay Thai fighters worked as his Safeguards. As time passed, a large number of Muay Thai fighters arose. They became palace guards, personal guards, palace police, and personal trainers for high ranking statesmen and the Royal family.
In Thailand, Muay Thai is an identity. It’s an art that forms a big part of their culture.
The martial art has grown from something used for self-defense of the country to one of the most prevalent sports in Thailand. The evolution of Muay Thai as a sport preserves the culture. Now, a new generation studies the techniques of previous warriors.
Today, Muay Thai has become a fast growing sport because of its splendor and benefits to people across the globe.
How Can Muay Thai Help You?
In our world today, people tend to forget about satisfying themselves because they are too busy trying to please their bosses or families. The good news is that Muay Thai can help you find fulfillment in your body, mind, and spirit.
Here are key benefits you should note.
First, if you find yourself in tough situations and there is no help anywhere, Muay Thai training will provide you with the necessary self-defense skills to fight off criminals and escape difficult situations.
Self-discipline is also one of the important benefits gained from Muay Thai. It helps you succeed in other aspects of your life. You will learn to perform duties without having someone tell you what to do.
Muay Thai is a demanding sport that helps link physical exercise to self-confidence. Making progress in this sport will have a positive impact on your life and increase your self-confidence.
When it comes to Muay Thai, you are at your best when you maximize your effort and use the power of positive thinking. This duo improves your mental awareness and builds up your competitive ability in the ring. In other words, it gives you mental toughness.
Muay Thai also helps you develop focus right from the start to achieve your health and life goals. It does this by conditioning your mind to never give up. It also reduces stress and improves self-awareness.
Muay Thai helps you lose weight, which may be what you’ve been waiting for. The nature of the training helps to work your limbs and enhance your cardiovascular endurance. It burns, on average, 800 calories in an hour.
On a lighter note, Muay Thai helps you build mutual respect and friendship. This is because of the energy that you put into achieving your spiritual and physical goals.
Now you know the benefits of Muay Thai, here is how you can get started.
How Do You Get Started?
Fist, you must understand that Muay Thai is open to all age ranges, from kids to adults. Whether you have kids at ages 7 -17, you are in your 20s, or you are in your mid-30s as a parent, Muay Thai is open to all.
As a matter of fact, not everyone who engages in Muay Thai enters a ring to compete. Many do it solely for health purposes.
Here are Tips for Muay Thai Beginners and for those who care about getting better at Muay Thai.
Run! Run!! Run!!!
Running has proven to be one of the most effective exercises to improve Muay Thai Training. It increases your energy and patience level. If you are a beginner, a couple of runs per day can improve your fitness level.
Ensure You Wrap Your Hands Properly
You should always wrap your hands, especially if you are a beginner, to avoid wrist sprains.
Work On Your Form
As a newbie, it’s essential you focus on your form and speed. A lot of people start out with great enthusiasm and end up with painful hand injuries. You must learn to start with low punches and build up your speed and form.
Get A Private Trainer
A private trainer will help you measure your level of development. It’s invaluable when you have a trainer that lets you know if you are getting your techniques right or not.
Ask Any Questions You May Have
Never be afraid to ask questions of your teammates at the Gym, especially if they have more experience than you. This will help you overcome challenges faster.
Stay On The Right Nutrition
One of the factors that contribute to sloppiness while training or practicing Muay Thai is not staying on the right nutrition. A lot of trainers will tell you “take a lot of Proteins, especially eggs and lean meat”.
Some may say “take a lot of Vitamins”. At the end of the day, you can’t be perfect. This is why supplements come in handy.
Essential Workout Supplements for Muay Thai
Since Muay Thai puts a great demand on your body, you’ll need to use essential supplements to help you to train longer, work harder, and recover faster.
There are many benefits to using supplements. Increased endurance, ability to make decisions faster, explosive power, and sounder sleep, are a few benefits to look forward to.
Beta Alanine
This is a supplement for explosiveness and muscular endurance. Strenuous anaerobic activities can result in a buildup of hydrogen ions which make your muscles acidic, causing them to burn. This can make it difficult to keep up with the exercises.
Beta-alanine is an amino acid present naturally in foods such as pork, beef, fish etc.
Studies show that this supplement improves explosive strength during moderate to high-intensity cardiovascular exercise. If you take this supplement about 20 minutes before starting the Muay Thai, you’ll be able to go into high gear.
Beta Alanine also increases blood flow and circulation, improving your brain function and energy levels.
Cordyceps Mushroom
This is a supplement for aerobic endurance. This supplement particularly helps you heal fast from damage as a result of a fight.
It increases energy, reduces fatigue, enhances endurance, and increases stamina. Over time, it will aid in recovering fast from a more rigorous glycolytic activity like hard pad work.
This is a supplement for fighters that reduces inflammation and speeds up recovery. Muay Thai often leaves you with achy joints and sore muscles. To avoid sub-optimal performance due to serious inflammation, turmeric is a good remedy.
Turmeric has curcumin present in it, which is a strong antioxidant, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antifungal.
It helps to reduce muscle soreness and exercise-induced inflammation. Tumeric also increases the rate that the body repairs muscles.
This is a Muay Thai supplement for focus and reaction time. Feeling focused and ready can give you an advantage in a fight.
Thus, it improves the quality of your Muay Thai performance.
This is a supplement for sound sleep. After Muay Thai, it is usually difficult to sleep well. Poor sleep affects recovery and leaves you in a state of aches and tiredness. Poor sleep could also hinder the mastering of new techniques in your Muay Thai.
Magnesium aids energy production, blood pressure regulation, and heart rhythm. Stress can cause a drastic reduction in magnesium levels, making this an essential supplement.
It is important to know that these drugs listed are supplements. They are not shortcuts but drugs to be taken alongside a healthy diet to give you the best results.
Final Word
Muay Thai has widely spread across the world. More people are learning how effective it is.
The best routine to improve yourself as a Muay Thai fighter is locating a good gym. Your gym will help you engage in the right training, eat the right diet and get the essential workout supplements.
If you need to more about Muay Thai fighting, simply contact us today.