Join us for a fun filled day of Filipino Martial Arts…Direct from the Philippines.
We are honored to have Master Bong flying in from the Philippines to come and instruct you on the art of AK. We are having the seminar at OC Muay Thai on Saturday May 20th from 9am-5pm.
Abenir Kalis Blade Fighting System consists of bolo fighting, Espada y Daga, Balisong, doble bolo, Kerambit and different types of swords such as Sansibar, Barong, Pinuti and others. It also incorporates the aspects of stick fighting using different kinds of woods such as KAMAGONG, Yakal, Bahi and other types of wood for training.
Also you will learn the empty hands of Filipino Martial Arts which is based on blade techniques is also included. Empty hand fighting could be practiced anytime at any stage or level of skill.