The air was crisp and cool; very difference from the warm moist air that I had become accustomed to over the past year; but the bright sun that stood solitary within a clear blue sky gave it just as much appeal. A perfect time for Muay Thai.
The subtle aroma of ocean water could be sensed meandering through the air as the breeze slowly made its way through the concrete walls of the warehouse grounds that is home to one of my favorite places.
It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Seal Beach, California; home of OC Muay Thai, and 10 minutes before class began students were already jogging or walking through the cul de sac that we had adopted as our track. Smiles filled their smiles as I greeted them; some faces familiar and some new.
It was your typical Saturday morning class; and the people were plenty. Being at OC Muay Thai always feels like a vacation to me. It is a gym, and we train hard, but we laugh just as much, joke even more, and exchange stories and enjoy each others company as if there is not a single worry in the world.
“Grab a tire” something that we were familiar with and an endearing part of our training at OC Muay Thai; a simple yet effective exercise that doubles as a great therapist.
Our guests fill the lot of the gym and all that could be heard in the brisk morning air was the thud of tires and the chatter of friends. Words of encouragement, comfort, and even playful jabs are exchanged; meant to both ease the struggle of training and challenge each individual to reach new heights.
After almost three years of training at OC Muay Thai the best way to describe this places is nothing short of sacred. The walls of this gym or indeed holy, pure; and fill those within it with a sense of purpose.
After all these years the appeal is still the same and the feeling of joy and acceptance that i felt on my first day has not changed a single bit. Whether its to same old veterans that have been with us even before my time or those who have only just begun their journey everyone seems to meet in the same place.
We come from all over Southern California, from many different walks of life; but on this perfect Saturday morning we all end up at the same place, at the same time, and for the same reason; to be good to ourselves and to be good to one another.