Are you a total knockout? Could you knock someone out if you needed to? Muay Thai women can!
It’s about more than the ability to hurt people, though. It’s about self-defense, self-growth, and reaping in all the endorphins you can get.
We want more women on the mat because everyone deserves the confidence Muay Thai practice brings. That’s just one of the benefits, read more below.
It’s a Great Workout
Muay Thai is a crazy good workout, you can burn up to 1000 calories in an hour. It works you so hard because the cardio moves integrate full body muscle movements as well.
Your legs are the biggest muscle group in your body. When you do kicks, you’re not only raising your heart rate with the jump but your leg motion burns calories and builds lean muscle at the same time.
Punches take core strength as well as arm movement. The more muscle that are activated at the same time, the more calories burned.
You’ll stick to Muay Thai in longer intervals, which effects calorie burn too. How many times have you seen the cal/hour number on an elliptical? How many times have you made it a whole hour?
Not many. With Muay Thai, there’s a structure that gets you through the whole hour class. You’re not staring at a machine bored out of your mind, you’re learning, moving and socializing!
It Builds Lean Muscle
Hopefully, by now you know that building muscle is a good thing. You’re not going to get bulky unless you take extreme measures.
Muscle makes you skinnier, it’s less bulky than fat. They’re the same pound for pound, but muscle is denser and doesn’t stick out under the skin like stomach fat.
Plus, every pound of muscle you put adds to your base metabolic rate. The amount of calories you need goes up, based on how much muscle you have!
There’s a reason they call it LEAN muscle!
It Gives You Confidence
There’s no way to describe the feeling when you get in a really powerful punch. It’s like a hulk smash but you feel like Wonder Woman, not a green monster.
It’s so empowering to assert your power onto something, even if it’s a bag. This feeling of ability and confidence carries over to other parts of your life.
If you have experience standing up to people and fighting in your Muay Thai class you’re going to stand up for yourself at work or home.
Fighting isn’t always positive, but the confidence that you can take on the world is!
Body-wise, Muay Thai is a great way to lose weight, if that’s your goal. Even if you’re happy with your weight, you can see changes in your body composition from fighting.
Areas with fat become firmer and legs more shapely. You’ll want to show off your ring-ready body everywhere!
Self Defense
Yes, sometimes women need to physically defend themselves. We hope you never come upon this situation, but you have to have a plan.
Muay Thai can be part of that plan. Not only do they teach you fighting (offense) techniques, but you’ll learn blocks as well.
Your instructor will show you ways to get out of a body hold and give you the confidence to fight back.
We’re not encouraging you to take down a big criminal instead of run away, but getting a few punches in will give you a good start.
It Makes You Happy
Every exercise gives you endorphins, the things in your brain that make you feel happy. This rush of dopamine makes can change a bad day to a good day and send you home smiling.
To quote Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t kill their husbands, they just don’t!”
Most Muay Thai classes are group-style, so you get the benefit of socializing with other happy people. Making new friends and having someone to look forward to seeing at the gym will make you want to be there!
Endorphins are also relevant to stress management. You carry them over from your workout into your daily life. Since stress can cause everything from migraines to heart problems, take all the endorphins you can get!
Push Yourself
It’s easy to settle into a pattern in life and not push your limits. We get comfortable and in some areas that’s okay. You should be comfortable with your partner and in your home.
But what about your job? Are you doing enough? Could you be doing more or pushing harder with your output quality? Muay Thai helps with that.
Your instructor will push you when you don’t think you can punch one more time. Do it enough and you’ll take that new stamina to your workplace.
The less fat you have and the more you workout, the better your energy! Your circulation gets better, you’ll sleep easier, and your brain will get clearer.
Who couldn’t use that? People who workout are more productive and Muay Thai is no exception.
Unless you’re paying for one on one training, you’re bound to meet other Muay Thai women in your classes. These ladies will become your friends, your sparring partners, and have your back whenever you’ve gotta throw a punch.
If you can get through your hard workouts together, your friendship can withstand anything!
Muay Thai Women are Total Knockouts
We want to see more women giving themselves the chances to be kicking and punching warriors. We love seeing the mental transformations people go through and our Muay Thai women are no exception.
Click through to our class schedule and find one class you can make work. Try it out and get ready to work hard, but have tons of fun.
We can’t wait to see you on the mat!