Dear OC Muay Thai Community,
First and foremost, let me start by saying that I hope everyone is doing well despite the general level of stress and anxiety gripping our country and the world right now. OC Muay Thai has always placed a tremendous value on the health and safety of its students even before this pandemic, and we will continue long after this crisis is over. We have been reviewing all of the CDC and OC Health information related to COVID-19, and recognize all the potential health risks. We can assure you that we are doing everything within our control to keep our School clean and safe.
Below is a list of protocols currently in place to maintain a safe School and healthy community:
- We continue to sanitize in-between classes
- Bathrooms continue to be cleaned everyday and regularly checked during breaks in-between classes.
- Gear continues to be sanitized throughout the day
- All mats, bags, gear are sanitized and air-dried to ensure cleanliness
Additional measures and improvements being made in accordance with CDC recommendations:
- A stronger cleaning solution for mat rentals, floors, bathrooms, and common areas
- Deep cleaning of our ring and gear.
- Posting information at the front entrances of the school on proper hand washing, cough and sneeze etiquette, and notices to please stay home if sick
- Placing hand sanitizer in entry of hallways and providing sanitizing wipes near props for additional patron cleaning (this will go into effect ASAP — due to global shortage and supply chain issues)
- Posters will be placed throughout the School relaying new protocols and best practices for everyone’s safety
To continue to ensure the safety and health of our community, we have decided to introduce these additional cleaning protocols as well as allocate more hours towards cleaning and sanitization. Over the next few days you can expect to see hand wipes located near our props (weights and hand sanitation stations in the front lobby, and the removal of many of our community propscoaches School wide.
With all of this being said, we realize that this situation is very fluid. OC Muay Thai is weighing all options moving forward which could mean limiting class capacity significantly or the number of classes offered per day. We promise to keep you informed of any changes in our capacity or schedules as quickly as possible.
Day in and day out, OC Muay Thai strives to truly be a family environment from student to employee. As a family, this means we are all in close contact with one and other. We are very much encouraging anyone who works within our family to stay home if they feel sick, and we ask that you do the same for your OC Muay Thai family. As a family, I know we overcome anything.
Love is always greater than fear,
David, Venus, Jake and the Team
PS: To reference these and other updates, give feedback and request information from our team.