The first time my eyes gazed upon the skill displayed in Muay Thai it was like I had come home. It was like my eyes were opened to a whole new world, for they thought they knew everything about fighting, but it turns out there was one more thing to learn… Something beautiful.
The first time my hands wrapped around the bones of an opponent’s arm I realized that power does not come from lifting weights, for there are no weights on earth that can compare to what you feel when you have connected your fist into someone’s flesh. I’ve found that speed is nothing until you put all of your weight behind it and then use your entire body to shell-shock your opponent with every ounce of energy you have. No… Power does not come from lifting weights, but from lifting your own spirit.
In Muay Thai there are no trick moves, no illusions of magic or super-power gimmicks designed to deceive the opponent. There is only one thing that brings you victory and sometimes it’s not enough… You must rely on your strength, speed and spirit to overcome all obstacles in front of you.
But what about beauty?
Beauty comes when power has met its match, because then the true nature of a fighter begins to shine through – their determination, their will to live and not be beaten by any man alive. After I had experienced this with Muay Thai I fell in love with it and I became addicted to the thrill of putting everything on the line for my own personal victory… But what if you lose?
I’ve lost some fights before and it’s not easy to handle, I felt like I let down my family, friends and even myself by losing that fight – but then, how else could you feel if you don’t care about losing?
There is nothing more beautiful than when someone who refuses to lose.
If your spirit is high enough (above all other things) anything can be overcome in your way. The only thing left to do was to see it with my own eyes. To train alongside those that could do what they said, to fight someone who was willing to die so he could win.
The true beauty of Muay Thai is the one thing you either have or don’t have… it’s your spirit, and if you can put all else behind it – you will never lose again.
-Coach David